A lot of people find it hard to know the exact food to eat. Mothers are really trying, they always have ideas or always come up with food to cook for the family. Some women don't really like racking their brain before knowing what to cook for the family. Some will just ask their husband what they would like to eat or what she should cook for the family. Some women just call their children to ask them what they want to eat. This way, they will know what to cook.
It is one thing to know what to cook, it is another thing for your family to be interested. You can think of a particular food to cook and when you ask your husband or children they might not like it. So, some women just prefer to ask them instead of cooking what they won't like. Mothers are really trying to always come up with food ideas. Kudos to them
Those that are not married also find it difficult to know what to cook ssometimes. I might be hungry and I won't know what to eat. But if you have a perfect food timetable or you have enough food ideas, you won't have to always rack your brain Before you can think of what to cook.
You can check out these food ideas and inspiration for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.