Benefits of moin moin leaves you never knew

 For today, we will be looking at the benefits of Moin Moin leaves.

The leaf used in preparing Moi Moi is known as Thaumatococcus Daniellii. The igbos call the leaves Uma leaves, while the Yorubas call it Ewe Eran.

*It had been found that the leaves have antioxidant bioactive components that cure liver and kidney diseases. This is why when boiled with water or fermented corn water, it treats malaria effectively.

*The sap of the leaves is used as an antidote against venom (poisonous substance secreted by animals such as snakes, spiders, and scorpions etc)

*They are used as sedatives(anything taken for its calming or sleep-inducing effect).

*In some parts of Africa, the fruit of the plant is used as laxative (medication that helps a person empty their bowels, they are generally used to relieve constipation)

*Its seeds are used as an emetic (substance used to induce vomiting) and to cure pulmonary problems. Source: Facebook.

What other uses of ewe Moin Moin do you know?

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