Get rid of Big tummy with these 3 ingredients


         Here is an effective method of getting rid of BIG TUMMY WITH JUST 3 INGREDIENTS which are very popular. The first ingredient is #50 worth of Clove, The second ingredient is  1 medium sized Ginger and the last ingredient is 1 Lipton teabag. 

     Now, let's move to the step by step instructions of making it: The first thing you are to do is to blend the cloves and pour into a mug. The second stage is for you to Grate the ginger and add to the blended cloves. The next thing is to Boil a cup of water and pour into the mug containing the clove and ginger. Now add the Lipton bag and allow to simmer for 3 mins.

     Then Allow to cool, Filter And drink morning and night. You can do this regularly for 2 weeks. 

         Glad   you learnt something. 

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