Coconut water benefits for skin

  Coconut water for beautiful skin just ate Coconut and you threw the water away? Stop eeet! 😁

Why did you allow the water to waste na? Chai... something people are looking for, something that is really good, something you can use for your skin and you will be happy.

Well, you have been throwing it away because you didn't know the benefits of it. I am glad you are reading the post right now because I am going to be teaching you the benefits of coconut water and I am very sure that you will never pour it away again after this tutorial

Coconut water can help you to achieve a soft and smooth skin. 

What if I tell you that coconut water can serve as skin moisturizer. Yes! Incase you didn't know, you are learning that now. It  is very good as moisturizer for those that have oily skin. All you need to do is to apply some coconut water on your skin and allow it to absorb.

Another good benefit of coconut water is that it can help your skin to get its original colour. Great right? Yes! 

If you also want your skin to Glow, use coconut water. All you need to do is to mix 3 tsp of coconut water and 1tsp of glycerin. After mixing it, you can now apply it on your face. 

How long should you leave it on your face? 28-30 minutes.

Guess what? You can also use coconut water to get rid of pimples. To do this, mix 2tsp of coconut water and half tsp of lemon juice together.

How to use it: 

Apply it and allow it to stay for some minutes like 18- 20 minutes before you rise it.  This can be used thrice in a week. Check our blog Kanyinzcreativityblog for more tutorials. 

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