Full story: Don’t give up on your skin yet

 Don’t give up on your skin yet because it is still possible to look beautiful without the help of makeup.

But to realize this skin dream, you need to pamper your skin by following this routine : cleaning, toning and moisturizing after every face wash to keep your skin healthy, soft and supple.

For this you will need this



Neem powder

Vitamin E capsules

Aloe vera gel

Rose water (optional)


1.Take 1 spoon of neem face powder in a clean bowl

2.Add oil of 1 vitamin E capsule in this

3.Add 1 spoon of aloe vera gel in this

4.Mix it well, add enough rose water to get smooth paste

Your face pack is ready

How to Apply

1.First wash your face with warm water and pat dry, it will open your skin pores

2.Now apply this pack on your face and massage for 2-3 minutes. Now leave it for 15 minutes and then wash it off with plain water

3.Do this exercise every alternate day and in just 3-4 application you can see a big difference yourself. 

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