How to make your breast big naturally to your satisfaction


Do this at home and watch your BREAST become BIG to your Satisfaction. This is Natural and it is something you can do yourself at home. 

To do this, you need the following: Rice powder, Wheat powder, Plantain powder, Groundnut powderTigernut, Milk And Honey for taste.

Now that you know the Ingredients, let's move to the step by step explanatory instructions. 

The first thing to do is to Dry your plantain and when you notice that it is very dry you can now grind it to powder form. 

The next step is to mix it with wheat,groundnut and rice powder(powder combo) and blend your tigernut & liquid milk .

Now, Seive and extract their juice and add your powder combo and remaining ingredients into it, you have to keep on stirring it till it is cool. 

After that, you can now store in the refrigerator.

That's all. Very easy right? Yes!

Now: let's move to how to use it .

You are to Take it twice a day which is in the morning and in the evening.  Try it and see a great result within 30 days. 

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