put fresh eggs shells on your windows and doors and this will happen


Viral Facebook post says: If wall geckos are disturbing you in your house, put fresh eggs shells on your windows, and doors where they come in. This will drive them away from your house.

Other helpful tips below: 

Useful Kitchen Tips Every Woman Should Be 

Familiar With.

1. In order to keep your potatoes fresh for a long time, store your potatoes together with apples. The ethylene gas emanating from the apples prevent the potatoes from sprouting.

2. When you're heating the oil to prepare your veggies, add a pinch of sugar, this will impart a fresh look to your veggies.

3. If your meat is small, parboil for some seconds without water, this will help to rise the meat. Add water to the meat and seasonings.

4. To make potato fries crispy, put them in cold water and leave it for about half an hour, then fry, deep-fries will be crispier.

5. when you have used an oil to fry fish, and you want to re-use that same oil to cook a different meal without having the fish odor, just peel garlic and drop inside the oil, the fish odor will disappear.

6. Add a little vegetable oil to your hot water for eba, it will prevent it from sticking to your bowl while stirring.

7. To kill ants, and other micro animals in your kitchen, mix salt, water, and detergent then spray. Ensure you cover your pots, plates before spraying.

8. To prevent your yam from getting spoiled after you might have cut them, apply palm oil to the remaining half.

9. If wall geckos are disturbing you in your house, put fresh eggs shells on your windows, and doors where they come in. This will drive them away from your house.

10. When wiping your kitchen slab and floor, add some turmeric and salt to the water, this will prevent ant's invasion. This will also disinfect your floor and counters.

11. To prevent eggshells from cracking when boiling, add a pinch of salt to the water.

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