Remedy for all kinds of odour



✔️clove powder

✔️Cinnamon powder




🥃Mix together 

use to wash your mouth every morning and night

Twice in a day.

   In my previous post, I posted how to get rid of mouth odour and a lot of people have been asking for ways to get rid of body odour too so I am going to show you that now.

Body odour can be very embarrassing. Imagine going out or travelling and people in the bus are covering their nose. Or you are just sitting alone and you just raise your armpit or just by sitting down you can perceive odour yourself without anyone telling you. 

When you pass or walk in the midst of people, they will just change position or move back.

Worry no more dear.

Body odour solution is here. Just do what I want to teach you and you will surely see Changes.

If you are a woman you really need to take care of your body please. 

 Always bath at least twice a day.

For those that are married you really need to take care of yourself so that hubby can always move close to you. 

If you have body odour, he might not want to sleep on the same bed with you or he might always tell you to shift and he will use pillow or something else to divide the bed so that you won't be close to him.

 I really appreciate women, I know you spend time to take care of the children, family and more. May God bless you. 

After cooking and doing so many things during the day. Please, do not go to bed with sweaty body. Please, bath often and look fresh to bed. Don't forget to shave too, keep your hair neat and take care of yourself. 

You can also use fragrance. Smell nice. 


To get rid of body odour, get: 

Lime - 2 pieces of it.

Cinnamon cassia powder and 

Neem leave

Now, let's move to the step by step explanatory procedures.

The first thing you need to do is to get hand full of neem leave, squeeze in the same water you want to bath with or you boil together to extract juice if you like bathing warm or hot water and remove the leaf. Now, put a spoon of cinnamon powder to it.

Then cut two lime (each into two) and put in the water.

 Give it 28- 30 mins before bathing with the water.

Also cut one lime in to two and place each half inside your armpit both side and close for 18- 20 minutes. 

How long should I do this? After reading the procedures, a lot of people might start wondering how long they should do it. I will surely tell you.

👉 Once daily 


1. Garlic 

2. Cloves 

3. Scent leaf 🌿🌿


Boil hot water " put the hot water inside bucket " add the Scent leaf 

 ' peel the garlic " slice it and soak it into plastic container " add the Clove seeds " soak it with clean water ' after three to four days " drink from it early in the morning on empty stomach 

Or you boil the garlic and the seeds Cloves and drink it early in the morning " do this

 for one week and see the changes in your body 

For those that if they urinate and they notice that their urine smells so bad " soak the garlic and the Cloves for 4 days " one cup every morning 

After eating in the night " give a little hours " then drink it again before you sleep

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