Toothache solution that is working for all

 Toothache Solution, the power of Alum

  This remedy has been tested and trusted.

   After your dinner, brush your teeth with normal toothpaste, take a small piece of Alum . Put it directly to the affected tooth, close your mouth and not swallow the spit ( not that it is dangerous to your health) the spit in your mouth is what is going to react with the Alum

 After 10-15 minutes, remove the first spit and repeat same again, then you can go to bed.

  Secondly before breakfast put small quantity of Alum at the affected part of the teeth, hold it tight and gaggle the saliva for 10-15 minutes, spit it out and repeat after breakfast as instructed. You must definitely notice that the pain had subsided

 Do not relent as the pain has gone down repeat for 5days and see the miracle unfolding. As shared on fb 

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