Full story: Do you know Bayleaf works beyond using it to cook jollofrice ?

 Do you know Bayleaf works beyond using it to cook jollofrice ? 

Yes, bayleaf works amazingly as teas, clears chest phlegm. 

How :

Just steep your bay leaves in hot water 💦 and add honey to it.

You can choose to drink it without honey. 

honey (is optional)

Bay leafs are a great source of antioxidants, vitamin A, C, iron, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, and that’s exactly why it works wonders for the gastrointestinal system. What’s more, it works as an antioxidant, antidiabetic, diuretic, and appetite stimulant. And if you’re looking to build your tea stash, you can’t miss out on bay leaf tea. In fact, it tastes far better than green tea.

Here’s why you should start drinking bay leaf tea:

 Because bay leaf tea is a source of vitamin C, it’s also great for the immune system and has antibacterial properties, which keep infection at bay.

Bay leaves also include the goodness of cinnamon that boosts met@b0lism and helps in weight loss.

 The magical leaves can also lower your stress levels.

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