Total solution to cracked heels

 I have gotten a lot of messages from people who are really interested in getting rid of cracked heels so I decided to post it today. I am glad it will really help a lot of people. 

Have you been looking for how to get rid of cracked heels? You are at the right place. I am going to show you this home remedy that you can use to get rid of it completely. 

I am going to teach you how to make this effective scrub: 

To make this effective scrub, you will make use of the following: 

 2 tablespoons coconut oil and 5 tablespoons of Sugar.

After getting these ingredients, you can follow these step by step instructions. 

In a bowl take 2 spoons essential oil and add 1 spoon sugar. 

Very easy right? 

Well, Your scrub is ready.

Now, let's move to how to use this scrub. 

Rub your feet and heels gently with this for 5 minutes And Wash them with plain water.

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