Full recipe here: guava leaves, Aidan and okra are just what you need


  The 3 items below biz: guava leaves, Aidan and okra are just what you need. They're common everywhere in Africa..
   Now, follow this lecture and give testimony later. 
1.... get enough fresh guava leaves and add about 3 Aidan ( to be cut into pieces).wash thoroughly and boil together with enough water till the colour turns brown. Drop the pot and saive (filter). Take 1cup before breakfast and before bed. To be taken warm. It should b taken during the menstruation.
2...Get about 7 fingers of okra, cut to pieces and soak in plastic jar overnight. Filter and start drinking this immediately after the menstruation is over. Take it as usual for 3days.

Meanwhile, Be ready to have $kkx..
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