Secret of mint leaf revealed. Ladies don't joke with it


Yoruba name: Ewe minti

My attention was captured one day in a grocery market by a squabble among women who were ready to pay a huge amount of money for a small wrap of mint leaf.

 But why? 

Those of us who know the he@lth value of mint leaf will not wonder why people especially women can pay as high as one thousand naira to buy a little bunch of it. 

I know about the savoury aroma of the leaf and a little about the health benefits of the plant but must I spend that kind of money for it?. 

 There and then I thought of an alternative.

  In the bid of adventure, I decided to make a trial, to plant the mint stem.  

Alas!!, and suprisely the stem survived and flourished just at my backyard.


My little research revealed some amazing benefits of this plant.

  In case you do not know, mint leaf can be used in the kitchen to impact sweet flavours to stew/porriage etc. 

Apart from its culinary uses mint is a stimulant, can be taken as tea either alone or mixed with turmeric (Golden Tea), and has many other health benefits:

 Mint leaves contain antisp@smodic so they can help to treat, loosen muscles in body pains.

 Fresh mint flavor makes it ideal to relieve bad smells of breath odors.

 Mint tea gets rid of bacteria that cause bad smells of breath via stimulation of saliva production.

 So chew mint leaves to fight harmful bacteria in the mouth, teeth and tongue. 

The content of the mint leaves are also very active to cure and relieve itchy throat that causes coughing.

 Not only that, the mint leaves are also rich in vitamin A and beta carotene which is very good for maintaining eye health. In that case mint leaves with its high vitamin C content can positively impact our immune system. 

Therefore, do not hesitate to add a mint leaf on your daily menu.

 Do you now see the need to plant it, so it can be easily accessible?

 Mint leaves are excellent in controlling allerg!c skin.

 Mint leaves contain vitamins E and D which are very good for maintaining healthy skin. In this case, it can be helpful to renew dead skin or skin that is not good, so that the skin become healthier and fresher.

 Mint leaves help in losing weight, because it stimulates the digestion of fat.

 This is one of the reasons women rush for this leaf.

 Mint leaves can also be used to overcome scalp irritation.

 To be more optimal benefits, you can use mint leaves directly by taking a few leaves of mint, knead until smooth, then apply on the scalp.

 The menthol in mint can give the refreshing to your scalp and eliminate lice.

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