A strong message to the ladies on sanitary pads disposal

  A strong message to the ladies,please be careful on how you dispose your used pad, may God help us all

See tips that might help you below: 

For the sake of today, let's talk on:👇



1. Burning: It's advisable immediately after using your sanitary pad as a lady, you don't just put it on your waste basket. Rather set fire and burn it..... To avert future unwanted stories.

2. Burying: It's also advisable immediately after using your sanitary pad as a lady, you don't just put it on your waste basket. Rather open the ground and bury it.

I enjoin you to please freely share this, for you never can tell how many soul you might be saving. Source: Facebook


Dispose off the sanitary pad properly:

Avoid flushing them as they can block the toilet, causing the water to back up, spreading the bacteria all over it. After burning off the pad , you will have to wash your hands with soap and water.

menstrual health

Be it tampons or pads, make sure you dispose them off responsibly. 


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