2in1 remedy. As it works and helps sweeten xx and also boost Vginal fluid.



 -Watermelon(peel the back & blend with the seed)

 -cloves powder:-this is known as zobo drink pepper or kanafuru,sold by pepper sou spices seller or Aboki selling ginger on wheelbarrow (buy the seed and grind to get powder)

 -peak milk or any other liquid milk


 -dates (remove the seed: it's sold by those hausas that sells with wheelbarrow)



*Wash all fruits thoroughly before use.

*Combine all the ingredients in one place blend and seive...

*You can keep it in the refrigerator... 

*This drink increases vaginal fluid...

*It reduces dryness during xx
*It boosts fluid increase.

DOSAGE: A drinking glass cup would do....

It has no side effects, so you can drink it regularly as a smoothie.

*xx without difficulty &
 max satisfaction can be achieved with this swe
etener drink...

Try this remedy and thank me later. Source: Facebook. 
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